Dear Friends
We greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16. We thank God that we started well except some of the Sisters were unwell, and it is good that they are now all doing well after having treatment.
Annual Retreat:
On 16th June 2013, we started our Annual Retreat conducted by Fr. John Buriani, the Priest-in-charge for Liloya Parish then, followed the 5 days Chapter meeting, which took place at Masasi from 22nd to 26th June 2013.
Blessing of Churches:
We really thank God for enabling us to complete most of our chapels/churches, which were under construction. Construction of our Chapel at Liuli was completed in June, 2013 and it was blessed by Bishop Martenus Kapinga who was the celebrant at our inauguration ceremony of that chapel on 21st July 2013. Some of our partners from German and CMM Sisters from other houses and the congregation attended the celebration, and it was so wonderful! On 14th September, 2013 our Church at Sayuni House was also blessed. The day before, a total of 4 Novices took their First Vows: Mariam, Lizy (Zambian) Heri (Happiness) and Violet. We were really blessed at this event as there were four (4) Bishops who were celebrants. It included: the Archbishop Jacob Erasto Chimeledya who was assisted by Bishop John Mwela of the Diocese of Southern Highlands, the late Bishop John Simalenga of the Diocese of South-West Tanganyika, and Bishop Oscar Mnung’a of the Diocese of Newala.
There were also a number of Priests and Laity who came to attend the ceremony from various parishes/places in the Diocese. On the same day, there were the Golden and Silver Jubilees for our ex-Mother Superior, Sr. Cecilia CMM and Sr. Jane CMM respectively. It was started by the Jubilee Mass and, then, followed the Blessing of the Church. It was a historical day, indeed! Two Brothers (Monks), one from the Catholic Church at Ndanda, Br. Johannes OSB and Br. Fungai, an Anglican Monk from South Africa also attended. It was the first time in the area, the Congregation was able to see and learn that there are the Monks in the Anglican Church in Tanzania. In that event, there were also 3 Postulants who were clothed as Novices. All these, were the God’s Blessings for the Community!
In 2012, Sr. Josephine CMM graduated at St. John’s Anglican University, Dodoma. She is now among the qualified and registered teachers in Tanzania, who teaches at Mpindimbi Day Secondary School. Additionally, Sr. Violet CMM is now in Form V at Kidugala High School in Njombe, whereby, Sr. Anna Mariam CMM has done the National Form IV Examinations this year in Dar-es-Salaam and she awaits for the results. We thank God that Sr. Josephine Brijita CMM is now in Form III at Mpindimbi Day Secondary School, while Sr. Agnes Edina CMM is in Form I at Rondo Secondary School. Others are Sr. Deborah Scholastica CMM and Sr. Mariamu CMM who are now in Form I at Njombe, while Sr. Beata CMM and Sr. Veronica Imani CMM are in pre-form I at Rondo Junior Seminary. Our community is also very grateful to God for His blessings as Sr. Sophia CMM is now taking a one-year Midwifery Course and Sr. Hongera CMM is taking Laboratory Course. The community expects to send other sisters for upgrading courses in Kindergarten, Nursing, Agriculture and Livestock keeping.
Farming is our main activity. We depend on agriculture for ensuring ourselves in food security, clothing and other basic needs. Almost every CMM House has a farm for farming and practicing better farming systems.
Korogwe - Kwa Maraha
Tanga - Pangani
Kwa mkono - Kwa Masimba
Dar-es-salaam - Mkuranga
Liuli - Kwa Wamanda
Fiwila - Bura
Sayuni - Ibumi
Njombe - Madaba
Masasi - Maparagwe and Chikoweti
Mtandi - Mkwapa
However, few CMM Houses such as Newala and Mtwara have no proper farms within their environments and, as a result, they are involved in farming at the plots owned by the Masasi CMM House. The harvests for the2012/2013 farming season was not very good compared with last year due to insufficient rainfall. However, the food we have harvested will be enough the Sisters in all CMM Houses. In Masasi, most people depend on the Sisters for food as they do farm work and are given food depending on how big the works have done. This year we will not have enough food for them and for the orphans. There is need for a new shelling machine as the one we are currently having is out of order. As we are planning in future to embark on commercial agriculture we think there will need of having agricultural machinery such as planters and harvesters.
Our Kindergarten Schools at Newala and Njombe are doing well. At Njombe the CMM Sisters have started a Standard IV English Medium class. They have also bought a school bus to help children to go to school and go-back to their respective homes early and to make sure that they do not get lost on their way back home. We thank God for this. As we bought the school bus through loans, we pray that we finish paying the debt soon. The Newala Kindergarten School has obtained an adequate land and we are planning to extend the class rooms and other buildings for the primary education level. The school board has advised the management to start a primary school so that the children after completing their nursery stage, they can continue with the primary education level at the same school instead of going to other schools. We thank God for all who enabled us to buy the land. We will start building when funds are available.
We have seen the good results of the children who were educated in our schools, some of them are now working in Government offices, and some are Nurses and Doctors, Teachers, Engineers etc. We need your support so that we can fulfill our aim of educating and taking care of the children.
While the Mother House in Masasi is waiting to get funds to build a center for supporting orphans, we have decided to start with few orphans from four (4) Primary Schools of Napata, Namakongwa, Chanikanguo and Chisegu. We have managed to provide
the orphans with exercise books and pen. Our intention for the next year 2014, is to support the orphans in terms of school uniforms; those who are interested to join us in these efforts, the doors are open and they are welcome to contribute morally, materially, and financially so that the community can continue supporting the needy especially orphans and other most vulnerable children (MVC) through their basic needs including food.
Girls and Education:
We felt there is need of helping the day secondary school girls for building a Girls Hostel. They are staying in local houses, there
is no good supervision, they learn bad manners and as a result, some of them they discontinue with their studies for various reasons– unplanned pregnancies being the major one! In staying at a hostel, would help them to be certain of having a secure place and getting food at the right time so that they can concentrate well on their studies. It doesn’t mean that we are able to
build the hostel by 100%, no, but we would like to save the life of the girls who are coming far from their homes. We welcome any contributions for helping these girls!
We take this opportunity to thank all those who supported us morally and financially, that we managed to obtain a new vehicle Toyota Land Cruiser Hardtop and a small van SUZUKI. We thank you so much and God bless you all!
Our Dispensary at Sayuni is doing well. We thank the Swiss people who helped us to extend the buildings for taking care of the sick people. We now have men’s, women’s and children’s wards. Also they use a dispensary as a center for nursing students.
It encourages us in Health services.
Promotion of Ecumenism:
On 29th November, 2013we had a special chance of being visited by a team of 17 people, our Brothers and Sisters in the Lord from the Catholic Church at Ndanda Mission. They were having a meeting of Leaders of Religious Communities in Tanzania - those who follow Benedictine’s rules. After their meeting, they came to visit us. All were Reverend Mothers OSB and the Abbot OSB, was leading the Group. It was a historical visit for us. For the first time in our religious life we stayed together to exchange ideas and come up with very constructive ideas for building our Societies/Community, and knowing each other, being an added advantage! They were very delighted when they learned that we all use the same Order of Saint Benedictine. It is our hope that
this good relationship will continue taking into mind the words of our Lord Jesus in the Gospel of St. John “that all of them may
be one,…….(17:21).
We thank all the Anglican Religious Communities in the world, especially, those who corresponds with us, and, we always remember them all in our Prayers. Let’s continue to pray for each other and, please, be with us, as we are asking for your prayers especially in:
Raising new vocation
Motivating Novitiates to grow in grace
Enabling all construction works to be completed
Taking care of Orphans
Community’s Education and Development plans
Yours in Christ,