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Easter 2020




Easter News

Report from Dirk Juttner’s visit to Tanzania

This year I visited the country again, for a month during September and October visiting eight of the Sisters’ Houses, going as far as Liuli at Lake Nyassa. The Sisters and all our friends in the Diocese of Masasi are well and enjoying life in their usual way, content with the little they have. Perhaps we would also be happier with less clutter!! The 16 girls at the Hostel are fine - a happy bunch, very thankful for the support we give them. They have formed a choir and sing at the Sisters main Service each Sunday, play basketball in their spare time and work in their vegetable garden, feeding the chicken and are ready to help wherever it is needed, especially those who cannot pay the monthly fee of £20 for their stay. When I asked the matron how things are going, she said to feed those hungry youngsters is a problem at times due to lack of funding. The girls have not had any meat this year as it is too expensive, but they get an egg once a week. The fridge we collected for during lent, is a great blessing. They can now store the milk and eggs they sell to people who come every day to collect those. Quite a few of the Sisters are also studying, in colleges and secondary schools, as the need for further education is really the key to their future. The girls' hostel and the nursery school in Masasi already provide opportunities to spread the Gospel and show that the Sisters are active in the community, and not living in isolation in a convent.

Outdoor Baptism
Sisters gathered

Message from Mother Superior, Mother Dorothy

We are pleased to confirm that Mother Dorothy has been elected for a further term of office following her very successful first period as Mother Superior.
Mother Dorothy reported ‘from the 14-18th August 2019, we had a meeting of religious brothers and Sisters from Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania. The theme of the meeting was ‘Community Growth‘, facilitated by brother Christian OSB from the Ndanda Mission. The Sisters also welcomed a group of eight visitors from Switzerland with Dirk in October. On All Saints day, we inaugurated our CMM history book written by Sister Magdalene (the former Mother Superior). The service was led by Dr James B. Almasi, Bishop of the Diocese of Masasi and some of the Priests of the Diocese attended the service.’

Trustees Update

Sadly, we say goodbye to Matthew Hodge, our Treasurer and Jenny Walpole and thank them for all their hard work in supporting the charity. We are now seeking new trustees to support us and Dirk Juttner, Gill Brooke and Charles Lane to ensure a long-term future for the Charity.

Coronavirus Situation

Not surprisingly, COVID-19 was been detected in both Tanzania and Zambia in the middle of March, but as we write this newsletter the number of cases and deaths has been quite low. The Sisters are preparing themselves for the impact of the virus and we are helping them with funds to purchase additional materials. The Sisters would be extremely grateful for any additional financial support you can manage at this difficult time - please use our just giving page available on our website if you can help:

Projects Funded Recently

The past year has been very successful with over £10000 contributed by the charity directly to the Sisters in Tanzania and Zambia. We are grateful to the many individuals who support the Sisters, and also to our friends such as Holy Trinity, Micklegate, York, who once again have nominated the Sisters as their international charity resulting in nearly £1700 donation to help build a new Biogas plant for the Girls Hostel in Masasi. However, not surprisingly, there is still much more to do. We have a number of important projects still to fund in the Charity’s priority areas of relieving hardship and supporting the Sisters: education, health, agriculture and water. If you’re interested in helping us to fund further projects please get in contact with us here. All of the funds that we raise go directly to support the Sisters - the charity runs entirely on voluntary contributions from the trustees and our supporters.

Maize Threshing Machine for the Sisters in Sayuni

Last years’ Harvest Festival Appeal, to help the Sisters and novices of Sayuni to buy a mechanised threshing machine, was a huge success. The hard work of the students at Warwick School group, culminating in their Annual Harvest Festival Service and Celebration, raised nearly £2000 pounds. This machine will not only increase efficiency in processing the current harvest, but also help support the Sisters to grow more maize to support themselves and other vulnerable people in the local community. The thresher will also be used to help other local subsistence farmers increase their productivity and harvest. Once again, a huge thank you to Revd. Dr (Mother) Alycia Timmis Chaplain at Warwick school.


Sisters Carrying Sacks on Head
Girl's Hostel

Easter Appeal 2020

This Easter we are focusing on raising money to build a new Solar Hot Water System at the Health Station in Sayuni. Currently, all the laundry is washed in cold water, and providing this new sustainable hot water system will greatly improve infection-control and safety for all the patients and staff. We are hoping to raise at least £1000 to get this project set up to support the Sisters in their vital work in supporting their communities at this Health Station.

Yours sincerely, 


Charles Lane


You can donate on-line or contact us directly with details on our website at:

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