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News 2018




Dear Supporters

Here are some updates on progress with our Sisters.

Malala the cow brought for the Sisters Girls Hostel in Masasi from the 2017 lent collection of the Parish of St. Mary in Warwick had on 20.7.18 a calf                                                                       


The Sisters wrote: 

We are very happy to report that at last the Girls Hostel cow, Malala, had a very healthy female calf last night. We saw it early in the morning.


The new convent of the CMM Sisters in Chalata was officially opened on 30 June 2018. The Sisters wrote:


The Inauguration and Dedication of the Chalata convent went on very well. The Sisters and Brothers from Zimbabwe were present. Bishop Patrick our Visitor and Bishop James of the Diocese of Masasi were also present and Bishop Derek of the Diocese of Central Zambia.

The Guest of Honor was the the First Lady but she didn't come instead she asked the District Commissioner of Mkushi to attend on her behalf. The Chief of that area was also present and the Mothers Union and various Choirs and many people friends and relatives of the Sisters were also attended.

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Patchwork from one of the Sisters in Chalata with patchwork supplied from the estate of a relation of one of the trustees.





The new nursery school in Masasi is in progress.

The Sisters wrote:

"This morning the tractor was received with joy and dancing."




The resident girls from the hostel in Masasi are preparing a pole to setup a netball court.


Patchwork quilt on bed
Sisters in front of new nursery school
Sister on tractor
Plough on tractor

Thank you for your continued support.



Yours sincerely, 



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